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Class Details

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Intermediate Rider Course (Class No: 25104)
Class Date(s): 6/15 12:30 pm
Sun: 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
6 seat(s) remaining
Cost: $255 per student.

Meet Your Coach(es):


Mo Smith has been riding motorcycles since she was a little kid. She bought her first motorcycle in 1977, a Kawasaki 90, and has owned and ridden ever since. Currently, Mo rides a 2006 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic. Mo is passionate about motorcycling and bringing that experience to all riders, but new riders in particular. She has been a Rider Coach since 2005. When not helping to fulfill the dream of motorcycling you can find Mo teaching math to high school students! Mo is actively involved in the local HOG Chapter and has held executive positions there for several years.

Email Mo


Richard Yuras started riding over 40 years ago on a Honda CS65 Sport. His passion for riding has grown and so has the size of his motorcycles. He enjoys riding year-round on his 2012 Heritage Softail.  Richard enjoyed a 38-year career in the fire and rescue service.  He was a member of an international urban search and rescue task force that deployed to Haiti and Japan to assist with earthquake rescue operations. The opportunity to introduce others to the fun and excitement of riding and riding safely is all part of his motorcycling passion.  Being a rider coach is a privilege and a responsibility that he takes very seriously.  

Email Rich


Stan started riding while he was in the Navy in 1975. Rode for about 10 years then took a long break. In 2015 he started riding again and enjoys getting out on 2 wheels as often as possible all year long. Stan is enthusiastic about teaching others in the skills and strategies of safely riding in the D.C. area. Stan is an active member and former officer in the Northern Virginia Christian Riders, a chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association. He also spends weekends in the summer supporting the racing community as part of the Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Club (MARRC). He is a Corner Worker helping to keep the motorcycle races moving safely.

Stan has other hobbies to include 30 years as a Sound Designer in some of the Community Theaters of the area, and is the technical lead (sound, lights and, recently added, broadcast video) at his church in Burke. He also is working as a statistician for the Burgundy & Gold (formerly the Redskins) and has done that for the last 20 years.

Email Stan

This four-hour course is designed for students who have successfully completed the Basic RiderCourse, Seat Time, Individual Intermediate Course or have riding experience and want to improve their skills significantly.

The Intermediate Rider Course includes:

  • Review of basic concepts and techniques
  • Cone course skills demonstration and practice
  • Slow speed maneuvers
  • Maneuvering in tight turns and weaves
  • Turning at higher speeds
  • Student practice and instructor evaluation

You may opt to take the course on our motorcycle or yours. The base fee is $255. If you don't want to ride your bike you may choose to ride one of our Suzuki TU250X motorcycles, our Harley-Davidson Road Kings or our Harley-Davidson Street 500. We encourage you to try each size motorcycle.